full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kevin Kelly: How AI can bring on a second Industrial Revolution

Unscramble the Blue Letters

We're going to do the same thing now with AI. We're going to disttubire that on a grid, and now you can take that electric pump. You can add some acafitriil intelligence, and now you have a smart pump. And that, multiplied by a miollin times, is going to be this second Industrial Revolution. So now the car is going down the highway, it's 250 horsepower, but in atoididn, it's 250 minds. That's the auto-driven car. It's like a new commodity; it's a new utility. The AI is going to flow across the grid — the cloud — in the same way electricity did.

Open Cloze

We're going to do the same thing now with AI. We're going to __________ that on a grid, and now you can take that electric pump. You can add some __________ intelligence, and now you have a smart pump. And that, multiplied by a _______ times, is going to be this second Industrial Revolution. So now the car is going down the highway, it's 250 horsepower, but in ________, it's 250 minds. That's the auto-driven car. It's like a new commodity; it's a new utility. The AI is going to flow across the grid — the cloud — in the same way electricity did.


  1. distribute
  2. million
  3. addition
  4. artificial

Original Text

We're going to do the same thing now with AI. We're going to distribute that on a grid, and now you can take that electric pump. You can add some artificial intelligence, and now you have a smart pump. And that, multiplied by a million times, is going to be this second Industrial Revolution. So now the car is going down the highway, it's 250 horsepower, but in addition, it's 250 minds. That's the auto-driven car. It's like a new commodity; it's a new utility. The AI is going to flow across the grid — the cloud — in the same way electricity did.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
industrial revolution 6
artificial power 3
technological systems 2
video games 2
artificial smartness 2
electric pump 2

Important Words

  1. add
  2. addition
  3. ai
  4. artificial
  5. car
  6. cloud
  7. distribute
  8. electric
  9. electricity
  10. flow
  11. grid
  12. highway
  13. horsepower
  14. industrial
  15. intelligence
  16. million
  17. minds
  18. multiplied
  19. pump
  20. revolution
  21. smart
  22. times
  23. utility